Palantir Press is excited to announce our first ever book tour of our first published book, Toru: Wayfarer Returns, the story of a Japan that might have been. Over the next thirty days, we’ll be making stops at thirty book blogs, with author interviews, excerpts, giveaways and more. We’d like to thank the great folks over at Goddess Fish who organized the tour for us. Here’s the list of blogs we’ll be visiting each day for the next month! We’re excited to meet these book bloggers and hope you will check them out as well.
During this upcoming month, we’ll be running additional promotions on Goodreads and Amazon and through the thirty book blogs, so sign up to follow author Stephanie R. Sorensen on Goodreads and Amazon to get notified about upcoming giveaways and promotions. Follow Palantir Press on Twitter to get updates on Toru: Wayfarer Returns news and promotions, as well as our reviews of other books.
Speaking of news a
nd awards, we have some!
First up, Toru: Wayfarer Returns was just shortlisted for the Cygnus Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction Novel award by Chanticleer. We’d like to congratulate the other shortlist authors as well–check us all out here!
Then, the fine folks over at IndieB.R.A.G. awarded their B.R.A.G. Medallion to Toru: Wayfarer Returns. We’re proud of that recognition because it’s a mark of quality, as they explain below:
“Our mission is to discover talented self-published authors and help them give their work the attention and recognition it deserves….All ebooks brought to the attention of indieBRAG, LLC are subjected to a rigorous selection process. This entails an initial screening to ensure that the author’s work meets certain minimum standards of quality and content. This initial screening may involve a review of sample chapters available on (or other on-line booksellers), or portions of the nominated ebook. IndieBRAG, LLC reserves the right to reject an ebook during this initial screening assessment for any reason in indieBRAG, LLC’s sole discretion. If it passes this preliminary assessment, it is then read by a selected group of members drawn from our global reader team. In both the initial screening phase and, if appropriate, the subsequent group evaluation phase, each book is judged against a comprehensive list of relevant literary criteria.”
We’ll proudly take that!
But that’s not all! The excellent folks over at Awesome Indies also saw fit to bestow their Approval upon Toru: Wayfarer Returns. Check out their 5 Star Assessment! Like IndieB.R.A.G., Awesome Indies also seeks to find quality independently published work, so we are very proud to receive their approval as well. Here’s a peek at their criteria for approval:
‘The Awesome Indies is a not-for-profit indie book accreditation service that approves independently published works of fiction that meet the same standards as books published by mainstream publishers – as evaluated by publishing industry professionals. We aim to showcase books that meet a specific set of standards for fiction writing so readers can browse for indie books knowing they will be buying well-crafted works.”
Thank you all for helping us get the word out!